
Monday, 23 July 2018

A poem for the week

I shall keep singing!  - Poem 250 by Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

I shall keep singing!
Birds will pass me
On their way to Yellower Chimes -
Each - with a Robin's expectation -
I - with my Redbreast -
And my Rhymes -

Late - when I take my place in summer - But - I shall bring a fuller tune -
Vespers - are sweeter than Matins -
Morning - only the seed of Noon -

I like this poem, of course, because it is about singing and birds - two of my passions!
Emily Dickinson liked to use highly condensed expression and idiosyncratic punctuation which meant that her works were mangled by editors until she withdrew from publication and resorted to self-publication.  Emily Dickinson did not give titles to her poems so they are usually known by the first line of poetry. 

An Australian King Parrot (male) on our deck  One of my
many bird photographs. Unfortunately there is reflection
of the brick wall as it was taken through a window.

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