
Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Yellomundee Regional Park - continued

Yellow Rock - Spring flowers

Spring has sprung and the bush is alive with wildflowers.  Even in the most unexpected of places, along the roadside verges, we saw great swathes of golden Coreopsis "fluttering and dancing in the breeze".  I do like these cheerful yellow flowers, spreading their joy alongside roadways and the railway line, all the way up the Mountains.

We stopped and took many photos of all the wonderful flowers growing wild along the roadway.  Here is Coreopsis, looking like fields of daffodils.  They grow on tall stems above the foliage.
Coreopsis grandiflora is really a weed and not an Australian wildflower.  It is a native American prairie and woodland plant otherwise known as "tickseed".  It looks like a daisy.
Astrotricha floccosa "star hairs" or the Flannel leaf woolly star hair flower.  This was growing in super abundance at the lookout.  Dainty little clumps of white star-like flowers, everywhere you looked!
Patersonia occidentalis, the native Iris or long purple-flag.  This is a clumping grass like perennial and was growing in little pockets alongside the road.
Flannel Flower

Flannel flower Actinotus helianthi also growing along Singles Ridge Road on the way into Yellow Rock.  It is native to the bushland around Sydney and is an iconic Sydney plant.


Joan Elizabeth said...

Loved your flower selection. I am not familiar with the star hairs one. I too am totally in love with the yellow weed😀

shirley evans said...

Thank you. I didn't know the "star hairs" either so I put a picture of it on "Where the Wildflowers Are" and someone gave me the ID. I checked it out on google and that's it definitely.