
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Wentworth Falls

Wentworth Falls Lake

To-day we drove up to Wentworth Falls to have a picnic and walk around the Lake.  It is a while since we have been to the Lake and were pleased to see many new upgrades.  There was a new path at the Southern end of the Lake that led to a viewing platform over the Lake.  We saw many ducks and other water birds. The Lake was originally created by the damming of Jamison Creek to supply water for the steam trains.  The Lake is now home to native and introduced waterfowl, native fish and crayfish.  It is a great place for family picnics with many barbecues and picnic tables and childrens' playgrounds.  There is also a new toilet block facility.  There will be more upgrades in the future as I understand it is Council's intention to have a path all around the Lake.

This is a little jetty jutting out into the Lake.  There are lots of places where you can gain access to the Lake and we saw many people letting their dogs have a little splash around in the water to cool off as it was such a hot day.
This was a bush walking track on the other side of the Lake.
It was a very hot, but overcast day, so the photos do not do justice to such a pretty place. 
This is a hanging swamp.  The swamp is an endangered ecological community and home to several threatened species, including the Giant Dragonfly and Blue Mountains Water Skink.
Lots of Christmas bells in bloom?  Actually I'm not sure that they are Christmas Bells.  I'm inclined to think it is a garden bulb that has escaped into the bush!


Joan Elizabeth said...

I found the lake and it's upgrades were great when I went up their recently too. But oh that toilet block! I saw people complaining about it in the gazetter and thought oh yeh THOSE people always complain. But truly it does seem rather large and out of place.

Your "Christmas bells" are indeed an escaped garden plant Monbretia a declared weed in the mountains. We had it in our garden when we first moved here and I was astounded with the way is "walked" across an entire garden bed. I eventually eradicated it by constantly pulling it out. And this is from a person who is prepared to tolerate all sorts of weeds on the Blue Mountains list.

However, I think the flowers are really pretty so left some to survive and pick the flowers before they set seed.

shirley evans said...

Oh thank you for advising me about the "Christmas Bells". Glad you could put a name to them. They were everywhere! The toilet block did seem a bit out of place, but I was glad it was there later!

William Kendall said...

Hanging swamp is a new term to me.

shirley evans said...

They occur on steep hillsides around the headwaters of creeks. They literally can hang off cliff faces. Groundwater can seep through the sandstone underlays to form peat but this process takes thousands of years!