Our two nights spent sleeping on the Ghan were not very comfortable. We are not good sleepers at the best of times and the strangeness of our surroundings, coupled with the clackety-clack of the train rumbling along ancient train tracks, was not a good recipe for a good night's sleep! However, this was a small price to pay for such a wonderful adventure and it all added to the distinctive thrill and unique flavour of the holiday.
During the night Ken had moved down to the other end of his bunk as he found the noise of the train on the tracks very disturbing. He was able to catch a bit more sleep down this end. I wasn't having much luck either down on the lower bunk, but I guess I managed to get some sleep.
As we approached the South Australia border, the rich red soil of the outback gave way to wide expanses of sandy coloured farming land, turning green the further south we travelled. Paddocks of wheat and grain became noticeable and I guess there would also be dairying and sheep farming.
We had brunch on the train before arriving in Adelaide. Adelaide Railway Station is a landmark building. It's neoclassical design harks back to the 19th Century, but being built of reinforced concrete firmly places it in the 20th Century. It was completed in 1928 amidst controversy at the enormous amount, over budget, that was spent on it. The design and detailing of the interior, in particular the Concourse and Marble Hall, are quite grand!
We caught a shuttle bus to our hotel. We were staying at The Grand Chifley on South Terrace and our room seemed positively luxurious with two very comfortable looking double-sized beds and an en-suite with a bath! I would definitely be using that later that night.
Well that was the end of our Ghan adventure. It was a wonderful and memorable journey and we were so happy we had been able to complete it. We planned to spend the weekend in Adelaide, visiting a few of our favourite places before catching a plane back to Sydney and then train back home to the Blue Mountains.
We caught a tram back to Rundle Mall and watched a street performance by Fatt Matt, part of the Adelaide Arts Festival.
I have enjoyed your trip on the Ghan. This one is definitely on our bucket list but might be a while. With all of the border closures these days I am sticking to NSW.
I quite agree. We're not leaving NSW. Plenty we haven't seen in this State.
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