
Thursday, 18 October 2018


Tobruk - Sheep Station

Yesterday we went with the Avid Travel Club to Tobruk Sheep Station and had a wonderful day out on the farm for a true-blue, dinky-di "Australian Experience".   We had morning tea in the undercover Drover's Camp, complete with bush camp fire where the water was ready and boiling for our "cuppa" and the camp ovens were baking our damper.  Afterwards, Nick entertained us with his whip-cracking skills and some traditional Aboriginal Boomerang throwing.  Miraculously his boomerang returned to his hand on the first throw, so rather than risk failure with any further attempts, he quit while he was ahead so we had a once-only demonstration of boomerang throwing.

Here is Nick, the Stockman, waiting to greet us as we stepped off the bus.  Tobruk is a real working farm, but they also supplement their income with farm stays and day visits.

Billy cans of water boiling on the camp fire ready to make the billy tea.  Sprigs of  Eucalypt leaves were added to the boiling water to give it extra flavour.

Here is the damper after it comes out of the camp oven, cut and ready for us to eat.

Here is my small piece, complete with golden syrup added to give it a sweet flavour.  I did have a second helping as it was so delicious!


Joan Elizabeth said...

I have never heard of Maroota so had to find it on google maps. I love the billy can photo. Damper is ok but I am not a big fan.

shirley evans said...

Maroota is not far away. It's on the road to Wiseman's Ferry, so only about one and half hours' drive from Penrith. I'm not that keen on damper either, but with plenty of golden syrup it's quite nice.